Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Desain Website “Muggle Division” Menggunakan Kaidah UI & UX


  • Gilang Endra Prastowo Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa dan Desain Visi Indonesia
  • Dian Prajarini Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa dan Desain Visi Indonesia



Website, UI/UX, Clothing, Convection


"Muggle Division" is engaged in convection production services,
founded 5 years ago, so far using Instagram promotion media.
However, when social media cannot provide clear and complete
information, problems arise such as when consumers are about to
order and have to wait for customer service to respond for quite a
long time. Therefore we need media to answer these obstacles,
namely the website, to provide more complete, clear information and
order input services without having to wait for customer service
responses. This study aims to design a "Muggle Division" website
equipped with a self-service order feature. The user experience
design method used is the five planes user experience elements
method followed by writing HTML, CSS, and Javascript tags. The
result of the design is a "Muggle Division" website with UI and UX
rules. The use of UI methods includes color, layout, typography,
whitespace, icons, and animation. The use of the UX method is in the
step by the step payment system and page login which provides the
option of page register for visitors who are not yet a member of the
"Muggle Division".


