Mitos Wanita Pada Desain Kemasan Sabun Pembersih Kewanitaan


  • Monica Revias Purwa Kusuma Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
  • Aji Susanto Anom Purnomo Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta



Packaging design, Connotations meaning, Myths, Roland Barthes, Feminine cleansing


A wider market in which there are various kinds of products makes
competition fierce for the attention of consumers. In plain view,
many similar items have almost similar visual elements, one of which
is feminine cleaning products. The feminine sanitizer packaging
bottle has a distinctive curve and is almost similar from one brand to
another. This study aims to examine a work of Visual
Communication Design in the form of packaging design of feminine
cleansing soap products. The feminine cleansing soap products
sampled were Herborist, Resik V, and Sumber Ayu, and all three
contain the same content, namely betel leaf extract. The research
method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with the theory
of the meaning of connotations and myths of Roland Barthes. The
results of the analysis of connotative and mythological meanings of
the three samples of feminine cleansing soap show that there are
similarities in the meanings of verbal and visual signs. These
products carry the same image which is constructed through the
connotations and myths of the hope of every woman to have a
fragrant, clean, healthy, healthy area of womanhood and does not
interfere with daily activities. Meanwhile, the meaning of myth in the
packaging design of feminine cleansing soap reveals that the shape
of the packaging design bottle is an ideal image of a woman's body.


